Hydrogeological Studies
We carry out hydrogeological assessments for a variety of purposes, including identification of water supplies (industrial and drinking water), dewatering assessments for construction excavations, and forensic assessments relating to foundation or slope failures, and water supply losses from storage reservoirs. Hydrogeological investigations range from desktop reviews or monitoring, to onsite hydraulic testing, and computer modelling depending on client or regulatory requirements.
Our hydrogeology team offers a comprehensive range of services relating to water resource management, hydrogeology and hydrology services include planning, design, supervision, management and development programmes in the following fields;
Our qualified environmental professionals provide the following services:
Groundwater modelling and groundwater surface interaction
Water supply investigation and development (Potable & Industrial)
Assessment of Environmental Effects (AEE) for resource consent
Dewatering assessments for construction impact assessment
Design and implementation of groundwater sampling programmes
Environmental monitoring and reporting
Hydraulic testing and analysis (Pumping test)
Production and monitoring of well installation and abandonment